Our solution and contribution for emission-free inner-city deliveries and e-mobility is called: HopOn® !
E-mobility for a sustainable logistics future
HopOn®: The small, big electric innovation for delivery. And your success. 100% electric.
Its open design guarantees the rider quick and convenient mounting and dismounting. Foot off the gas and HopOn® brakes to a standstill on its own. The powerful motor becomes a generator brake and returns the generated energy to the battery.
The fact that HopOn® has four wheels is for safety. It makes it stable. And makes driving, maneuvering and especially braking easier.
At a glance
With this box system, the loading of stalls, the distribution of goods in the markets, the intralogisitk, etc… becomes a breeze!
In the course of the EU type approval, the tipping behavior of the HopOn®
maximum permitted load of 250 kg was also tested.Passed with flying colors!
The HopOn with “Tipper” dump truck: local authorities and (cemetery) garden centers benefit from the smart solution. New attachments for the front and rear extend the range of applications..